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BOard of investment Pakistan

Board of Investment Pakistan (BOI)

The Board of Investment (BOI) is a government agency of Pakistan that promotes investments in Pakistan. The agency was established in 1971 and runs under the administrative control of the prime Minister’s Office. The board of investment is also a member of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)
The BOI has a major role in promoting foreign as well as local investments in the country. BOI aims to provide the necessary support to investors throughout the investment process. The BOI commits to facilitating and streamlining the investment process in Pakistan.

The Board of Investment Pakistan is responsible to create a friendly investment environment for investors. Besides recognizing potential investment opportunities it also helps investors to overcome obstacles during the investment process. It also provides investors with a single point of contact that helps them in coordinating their interactions with government agencies.

Services Provided by Board of Investment Pakistan

The Board of investment Pakistan has a vital role in the development of the Pakistan. BOI works as a support system in the investment promotion for the country. The following are some main roles performed by BOI:

Investment Promotion:

BOI works as a investment promoting agency of the government of Pakistan. Its responsibility is to attract foreign as well as local investors to invest in the country. It helps investors by providing them with better investment opportunities.

Facilitation and Support:

Another significant responsibility of BOI is to provide services to investors. The benefits include re-investment, investment facilitation, and post investment sevices. It also help investors in obtaining necassary approvals and permits. Assisting in finding partners and suppliers for investors are also deal by BOI.

Coordination with Government Agencies:

It also acts as a single point of contact for investors by coordinating their interactions with government agencies. The updation of investors with government policies and regulations is also looked after by BOI.

Provision of Information:

The BOI is responsible for providing investors with relevant tax information along with investment climate and beneficial market conditions in the country. The BOI’s primary duty is to inform investors about the benefits available to them in the country.

Monitoring of Investment:

The monitoring of investment projects and their progress is also taken care of by the BOI. the agency provides support to the investors throughout the investment cycle. They monitor that the investment projects are implemented in accordance with the approved plans.

Incentives for Investors:

To encourage investors for investing in Pakistan BOI provide them with several incentives. The agency provides tax holidays to investors. It also encourages investors by providing them the facility of duty free imprt of machinery. The exemption from custo duties on raw materials and components is also an lucrative incentive fr investors. The BOI also helps freign investors in getting work visa and registration of their companies. Assiting them in finance through local and international banks orother financial channels are also looked by BOI.

Investment Sectors of Board of Investment Pakistan

Pakistan offers a wide range of opportunities to both foreign and local investors in various sectors like agriculture, construction, telecommunication, energy, and tourism. As the country has great importance due to its geographical location investors find it a great opportunity to invest in these sectors for beneficial returns. The BOI identifies potential investment opportunities in the following sectors:


The major part of Pakistan’s population relies on agriculture for livelihood and Pakistan has a large agriculture sector. The BOI provides support and assistance to investors who are interested in investing in the agriculture sector of Pakistan.


Pakistan has rich resources of gold, coal, iron ore, and copper. The investors are provided with support to invest in the mining sector of Pakistan. Various projects are carried out to develop the mining sector of Pakistan with the latest technologies.


The construction sector is growing in Pakistan because of the increase in investments in this sector. The investors are interested in the development of infrastructure and the real state of Pakistan. BOI provides help to investors by identifying suitable opportunities in the construction sector of the country.


Pakistan is focusing on reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and hence various projects are performing really well with the use of renewable energy sources. This major transformation in the energy sector of Pakistan is a great opportunity for investors to gain profit hence BOI is providing investment assistance to investors.


Pakistan’s rich culture and attractive tourist destinations attract tourists from around the world. There is a number of projects that are developing tourism in Pakistan and investors are provided with support by BOI to invest in the tourism sector of Pakistan.


The development of the mobile networks and broadband infrastructure of Pakistan amazed the investors. The rapid growth in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan provides a great opportunity for investors to earn maximum profit and in this BOI provides help to these investors.


The textile industry of Pakistan plays an important role in the development of its economy. and In Asia, Pakistan is the 8th largest exporter of textile products. The textile industry is great opportunity for those who are looking for benefical returns. BOI is assiting investors to invest in the textile industry of Pakistan.

Pakistan is a country that is rich in natural resources whether its salt reserves, coal reserves, or gold and copper reserves. Besides natural resources, its rich culture and geographical conditions make it a profitable opportunity for investors. The Board of investment Pakistan helps these investors by providing them support in investing in various sectors of Pakistan. The agency plays a significant role in the development of the country by providing investment opportunities to local and foreign clients.

From identifying beneficial investment opportunities to getting approvals, BOI assists investors in the investment process. The agency helps investors during and after the investment cycle. The goal of BOI is to play its part in the development of the country by creating an investment friendly enviorment in the country.

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